On the 4th Day of December......

Posted: Dec 04 2016

On the 4th Day of December.......
We are giving you a FREE 10ml. bottle of Pine oil for every $35.00 spent!
Pine essential oil is very popular this time of year......it is a antibacterial, anti-fungal, decreases inflammation, relieves muscle aches and pains, and aids in uplifting your mood and helps in creating focus. (Plus, smells really good when you add a drop to your holiday decorations!)
...and remember there's this happening too
Blending Babes is going to give back to so many this holiday season.....
Instead of discounts and give-aways we are giving 30% of your purchase to your choice of the following Foundations:
1. CCFA - Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America - http://www.ccfa.org
2. Jacob Wetterling Resource Center - https://www.gundersenhealth.org
3. Underdog Rescue - http://www.underdogrescuemn.com
But......shhhhhhhh......this will be a Secret Santa type of gift. We would like to surprise them!
We will present each organization with a check on December 31, 2016 with your name attached or......we can keep that secret if you would like.
To order your Blending Babes products, please feel free to email, order online, or call.
As always, much love to you all!
Let's keep spreading it! <3 <3 <3


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